We Road-Trip now!
Personally, I've never been one for a road trip. I have never locked into what's fun about being stuck in a cramped car on the way to something-fun. Being at the something-fun -- yes, I get that. But waiaiaiaiaiting for the something fun to start? And stopping to enjoy the route along the way? Well, that just makes it longer until we get there!
And now I have two kids. This all seemed impossible.
a chance at this crown...
and, more importantly, a snuggle with this baby...
made me game to try!
We spotted this ever-changing rainbow on our way there. We watched it change shape and size and formation over and over again. We read books and listened to music and stories on cd. The kids enjoyed surprise snacks in plastic eggs painted as sports balls and surprise activity books I had packed. Of course I over-packed -- we quite possibly could have hit the Atlantic before we ran out of books & cd's.
But these were our favorites:
Calculator Riddles by Adler (remember to bring the calculators!)
Dot to Dot Over 200 by Buki
Animal Doodles (activity cards) by Watt
Carschooling by Keith
Miles of Smiles by Meyers
Mad Libs (of course!!)
Geronimo Stilton (on cd)
anything by Jim Weiss (on cd)
Green Eggs and Ham by Seuss, read by David Hyde Pierce, for one (on cd) - we love this one!
And no road trip is complete without Ellis Paul's Road Trip song.
Here's to family adventures!
oh, my, your post makes me think that *i* have the potential to enjoy road trips, too. i definitely will follow up on your list of things to bring when it's our time to drive awhile. glad you shared!