Sunday, September 18, 2011


Look what I stumbled into -- a round-up of some pioneer crafts on one handy page!


You'll find these gems, or shall I say "nuggets" (ha!) here: homemade bread & butter, homemade taffy, whittling, carved soap, braided rug, cornhusk dolls, quill pens & berry ink, rag doll, stick horse, covered wagons, weaving, tin can lanterns, woven paper baskets, quilting, and dipped candles.

These are great for us -- as follow-up to our Gold Rush Day and gearing up to go back to our American Girls Group (Kirsten, 1854) -- but if you find yourself less inspired to do them, you really should make homemade butter and do this science experiment.  It's SUPER easy -- and you get to eat your results!  What could be better?  Remember to sing a silly butter-shaking song, too!  We love Sara Sponda.

Sara sponda sara sponda sara sponda ret set set
Sara sponda sara sponda sara sponda ret set set
Ador-ay-o. Ador-ay boom-day-o.
Ador-ay boom-day ret set set
ah-say pah-say oh.

(And for good measure, here's a little background to the Sara Sponda song and "Eureka!")


  1. We used to make this butter at Thanksgiving while waiting for the turkey! And sang Sarasponda at Methodist Church Camp--I see it was published in a Methodist song book!

    Looks like many fun activities ahead for your family. :)

  2. Sometimes the best activities are the classics, aren't they?!


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